Social Media Marketing

Increase Views, Likes, Engagement & Clicks With the YouTube Premieres Function

At Vidcon 2018, YouTube debuted their newest feature, YouTube Premieres. Designed to complement other YouTube functions like live streaming and chat, Premieres allows creators to hype the release of pre-recorded videos to their fans, then chat with them during the premiere streaming of the video.

Check out this YouTube Premiere landing page for MagicLinks creator Zabrena’s recent Historically Accurate Makeup Tutorial series video!

The Basics: What You Need To Know

  • You must be a member of the YouTube Partner Program
  • You must have at least 100,000 subscribers
  • You can earn extra money by opening the chat up to ONLY subscribers who have paid for the $4.99/month Channel Membership (other subscribers can still view the chat, but not participate)
  • Subscribers can make donations during the Premiere using the SuperChat donations buttons, which can push their comments to the top of the conversations
  • Be sure to talk up the Premiere event on all your other channels, with links to the Premiere landing page for your video.

Creators can answer subscriber questions about products they’re reviewing/unboxing in the video in real time, which can increase clicks + sales through their MagicLinks. When creators choose to release a Premiere, YouTube will create an automatic public landing page for the Premiere to help promote it and increase anticipation. Plus, the real time chatting makes your subscribers feel like they’re all in a theater, together, increasing the sense of community and engagement they feel.

Give YouTube Premiere a try, and see how your fans like it!

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